Wednesday, February 20, 2008

When Were Not Looking... The Warren Art Show, Minneapolis, MN, March, 2008

Originally uploaded by Daniel Kerkhoff

"When We're Not Looking..."
by Daniel Kerkhoff

The dots aren't connected.

It's untidy, unkempt, with rough edges,
a sketch, dirty and simple,
many unknowns,

We, us, ourselves, all of us,
wrinkled, overlooked,
mysteries, dismissed.

Loved, cracked, wounded,
imperfect, creations, mislabeled,
unfinished, in space.

Noticed, unnoticed,
What is it?

What is it?

It, is itself,
Meaning, understanding,
Meaning, standing under,

Standing with.


It, takes time.
Real looking, takes
more time than we...

We think we have,
when we're not looking...

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